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Foundry Fundamentals Foundry Fundamentals
Foundry Fundamentals
Industry background:
  Aluminum and aluminum alloys& nbsp; Aluminum is a light metal with low density (2.79/Cm3) and good strength and plasticity. Aluminum alloy has good strength. The strength of super hard aluminum alloy can reach 600Mpa, and the tensile strength of ordinary hard aluminum alloy can also reach 200-450Mpa. Its specific rigidity is much higher than that of steel, so it is widely used in mechanical manufacturing. Aluminum ranks third in conductivity after silver and copper, and is used to manufacture various wires. Aluminum has good thermal conductivity and can be used as various heat dissipation materials. Aluminum also has good corrosion resistance and good plasticity, making it suitable for various pressure processing. & nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp; Aluminum alloys can be divided into deformed aluminum alloys and cast aluminum alloys according to processing methods. Deformed aluminum alloys are further divided into non heat-treatable and heat-treatable strengthened aluminum alloys. Non heat treatable reinforced type cannot improve mechanical properties through heat treatment, and can only be strengthened through cold working deformation. It mainly includes high-purity aluminum, industrial high-purity aluminum, industrial pure aluminum, and rust resistant aluminum. Heat treatable reinforced aluminum alloys can improve their mechanical properties through heat treatment methods such as quenching and aging. They can be divided into hard aluminum, forged aluminum, superhard aluminum, and special aluminum alloys. & nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp; Aluminum alloys can be heat treated to achieve good mechanical properties, physical properties, and corrosion resistance. & nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp; Cast aluminum alloys can be divided into aluminum silicon alloys, aluminum copper alloys, aluminum magnesium alloys, and aluminum zinc alloys according to their chemical composition. & nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp; 1、 Pure aluminum products& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp; & nbsp; Pure aluminum is divided into two categories: smelting products and pressure processed products. The former is represented by the chemical composition Al, while the latter is represented by the Chinese pinyin LG (aluminum, industrial). See Tables 17 and 18, respectivelyTable 17 Code, Composition and Use of Pure Aluminum Smelting   CodeChemistry; Cheng  Minute% PurposealuminiumNot less thanImpurities not greater thanIron+Siliconcopperthe sumAl99.7Al99.6Al99.5Al99.0Al98.0ninety-nine point sevenninety-nine point sixninety-nine point fiveninety-nineninety-eightzero point two sixzero point three sixzero point four fivezero point nine zeroone point eightzero point zero onezero point zero onezero point zero one fivezero point zero twozero point zero fivezero point three zerozero point four zerozero point five zerooneone point twoManufacturing of aluminum foil, aluminum alloy, aluminum clad materials for rust prevention, cables and conductors, special purpose and chemical industry aluminum alloysManufacturing cables and conductors, aluminum alloys, aluminum foil, aluminum powder, and utensils; Manufacturing of aluminum alloys and other composite, aluminum tableware, cables, conductors, and intermediate alloys; Used as aluminum alloy ingredient, intermediate alloy, aluminum utensils, and daily necessities  & nbsp; Table 18 Code and Composition of Industrial High Purity Aluminum  Industrial high-purity aluminumCodeLG5 LG4 LG3 LG2 LG1Aluminum (% Å)99.99 99.97 99.93 99.90 99.85Industrial high-purity aluminumCodeL1 L2 L3 L4 L4-1 L5 L5-1 L6Aluminum (% Å)99.7 99.6 99.5 99.3 99.3 99.0 99.0 98.3    2、 Cast aluminum alloy& nbsp;& nbsp; Cast aluminum alloys (ZL) are classified into four categories based on the main elements of silicon, copper, magnesium, and zinc, excluding aluminum, with code codes of 100, 200, 300, and 400. Their codes and chemical composition are shown in Table 19  Table 19 Code and Chemical Composition of Cast Aluminum Alloys  GroupCodeMain chemical composition (residual aluminum) (%)siliconcoppermagnesiummanganeseotherAluminum silicon alloy(100 Series)ZL101ZL102ZL103ZL104ZL105ZL106ZL107ZL108ZL109ZL110ZL1116.0-8.010.0-13.04.5-6.08.0-10.54.5-5.57.0-8.56.5-7.511.0-13.011.0-13.04.0-6.08.0-10.0  1.5-3.0 1.0-1.51.0-2.03.5-4.51.0-2.00.5-1.55.0-8.01.3-1.80.2-0.4 0.3-0.70.17-0.30.35-0.60.2-0.6 0.4-1.00.8-1.50.2-0.50.4-0.6  0.3-0.70.2-0.5 0.2-0.6 0.3-0.9  0.1-0.35        Nickel 0.5-1.5Titanium 0.1-0.35Aluminum copper alloy(200 Series)ZL201ZL202ZL203 4.5-5.39.0-11.04.0-5.0 0.6-1.0Titanium 0.15-0.35Aluminum magnesium alloy(300 series)ZL301ZL302 0.8-1.3 9.5-11.54.5-5.5 0.1-0.4 Aluminum zinc alloy(400 series)ZL401ZL4026.0-8.0 Chromium 0.3-0.80.1-0.30.3-0.8 Titanium 0.1-0.4Zinc 9.0-13.0Zinc 5.0-7.0