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Foundry Fundamentals Foundry Fundamentals
Foundry Fundamentals
Industry background:
  & nbsp; Aluminum ingot, the raw material used in our daily industry, is called aluminum ingot. According to the national standard (GB/T1196-93), it should be called" Aluminum ingots for remelting;, But everyone is used to calling it" Aluminum ingots;. It is produced by electrolysis using alumina cryolite.  & nbsp; After aluminum ingots enter industrial applications, there are two main categories: cast aluminum alloys and deformed aluminum alloys. Cast aluminum and aluminum alloys are castings produced by casting methods; Deformed aluminum and aluminum alloys are processed products produced by pressure processing methods, including plates, strips, foils, tubes, rods, profiles, wires, and forgings. According to? Aluminum ingots for remelting? National standards; Aluminum ingots for remelting are divided into six grades based on their chemical composition, namely Al99.85, Al99.80, Al99.70, Al99.60, Al99.50, and Al99.00; (Note: The number after Al is the aluminum content).  & nbsp; & nbsp; Currently, someone is calling; A00” Aluminum, in fact, is aluminum with a purity of 99.7%, which is called" in the London market; Standard aluminum;. As everyone knows, in the 1950s, China's technical standards all came from the former Soviet Union; A00” It is a Russian trademark in the Soviet national standard; A” It's a Russian letter, not an English letter; A” Characters are not the same as Chinese pinyin letters; A”。 If it is in line with international standards, it is called" Standard Aluminum; More accurate. & nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp; Standard aluminum is an aluminum ingot containing 99.7% aluminum, which is registered in the London market. & nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp; Introduction to Practical Knowledge of Non ferrous Metals& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp; Classification and product grade representation methods for non-ferrous metals& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp; 1、 Classification of Nonferrous Metals& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp; (1) Non ferrous pure metals are divided into five categories: heavy metals, light metal, precious metals, semi metals and rare metals. & nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp; (2) Non ferrous alloys are classified by alloy system: heavy non-ferrous alloys, light non-ferrous alloys, precious metal alloys, rare metal alloys, etc; According to the purpose of the alloy, it can be divided into: deformation (alloy for pressure processing), casting alloy, bearing alloy, printing alloy, hard alloy, solder, intermediate alloy, metal powder, etc. & nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp; (3) Non ferrous materials are classified by chemical composition: copper and copper alloy materials, aluminum and aluminum alloy materials, lead and lead alloy materials, nickel and nickel alloy materials, titanium and titanium alloy materials. When classified by shape, it can be divided into: plate, strip, strip, foil, tube, bar, wire, type, etc. & nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp; 2、 Product brand representation method& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp; (1) Naming Principles& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp; The naming of non-ferrous metal and alloy product grades requires the use of Chinese pinyin letters or international element symbols as the subject word code to indicate their category, such as L or AL for aluminum, T or Cu for copper. After the theme word, it is represented by combining the numerical order of ingredients with the product category. The code after the subject word can indicate the state, characteristics, or main components of the product, such as LF being an aluminum (L) alloy that is resistant to (F) rust; LD is an aluminum (L) alloy used for forging (D); LY is a hard (Y) aluminum (L) alloy, and the theme word for these three alloys is aluminum alloy (L). For example, QSn is a type of copper with tin (Sn) as the main additive element; QAL9-4 indicates that green (Q) copper contains aluminum (AL), with 9% aluminum added and 4% other added elements. The theme word for these two alloys is bronze (Q). Therefore, the product code is represented by a combination of Chinese pinyin letters, chemical element symbols, and Arabic numerals for the subject words specified in the standard (GB340-78). See Tables 1 and 2:Table 1 Names and codes of commonly used non-ferrous metals and alloy elements  nameCode  nameCodeChemical element symbolsChinese Pinyin Letter CodeChemical element symbolsChinese Pinyin Letter CodecopperCuTzincZnaluminiumALLleadPbmagnesiumMgMtinSnnickelNiNantimonySbtitaniumTiTgoldAubrass—& mdash;HsilverAgbronze—& mdash;QcadmiumCdWhite copper—& mdash;BberylliumBeTable 2 Names and Designations of Special Non ferrous Metal Alloys nameUsing code nameUsing codeRust resistant aluminumLFMagnesium alloy (for deformation processing)MBForged aluminumLDSolder alloyHIHard aluminumLYAnode nickelNYSuperhard aluminumLCBattery zinc plateXDSpecial aluminumLTPrinting alloyIBrazed aluminumLQPrinted zinc plateXIOxygen free copperTUrare earthXtmetal powder FTungsten cobalt hard alloyYGSpray aluminum powderFLRcemented titanium-tung-sten carbide YTCoating aluminum powderFLUCast tungsten carbideYZFine aluminumFLXTitanium carbide - (iron) nickel molybdenum hard alloyYNExtra fine aluminum powderFLTMultipurpose (universal) hard alloyYWAluminum powder for steelmaking and chemical purposesFLGSteel bonded hard alloyYEMagnesium powderFMBearing alloyChAluminum magnesium powderFLMCast alloyZ  & nbsp; The status, processing methods, and feature codes of non-ferrous metal and alloy products are represented by the prescribed Chinese pinyin letters. Such as R (hot) for hot working, C (quenched) for quenching, B (not) for non aluminum coating, X (fine) for fine particles, etc. But there are also a few exceptions, such as high-quality surface O (visualized as perfect), etc. The status and characteristic codes are shown in Table 3Table 3 Status and characteristic codes of non-ferrous metal and alloy products  nameUsing code nameUsing codeHot working (such as hot rolling and hot extrusion)R High quality surfaceOAnnealing (braising)M Painted surfaceQquenchC Thickened aluminizedJCold rolling after quenching (cold work hardening)CY Non aluminizedBQuenching (natural aging)CZ hard quality close goldSurface coatingUQuenching (artificial aging)CS Add tantalum carbideAhardY Add niobium carbideN3/4 hard, 1/2 hardY1、Y2 Fine particlesX1/3 hardY3 Coarse particlesC1/4 hardY4 Ultrafine particlesHExtra hardT    (2) Examples of brand representation methods are shown in Table 4Table 4 Example of brand representation methods for non-ferrous metal and alloy products name CodeGradeexplainPure metalSmelting productionproductcopperaluminiumnickelCu-1Al99.5Ni-011 # copper1 # aluminumSpecial grade nickelBoth are represented by chemical element symbols combined with sequence numbers or numbers representing the main components. A horizontal line is drawn between the element symbols and sequence numbers, and the metal purity decreases as the sequence number increases.Pure goldGengaIndustrial propertyproductcopperaluminiumnickelzinctitaniumT1、T2L1、L2N2、N4Zn1、Zn2TAl1 # and 2 # copper1 # and 2 # industrial pure aluminum2 # and 4 # pure nickel1 # and 2 # zinc1 # industrial pure titanium(1) The pure metal processed products of copper (T), aluminum (L), and nickel (N) are represented by the Chinese phonetic alphabet and sequence number in parentheses respectively; (2) Other pure metal processing products are represented by chemical element symbols followed by sequential numbers (such as Zn1 and Zn2); (3) Titanium is represented by the letter and sequence number of T plus the type of metal structureclose gold plus work yield productbronzeQSn4-3QA19-44-3 tin bronze9-4 aluminum bronzeBronze is represented by the Chinese pinyin letter Q, the first added element symbol, and the number group (percentage) of components other than the base element copperbrassH62、H68 HPb59-1HFe58-1-162 Brass68 Brass59-1 lead brass58-1-1 iron brassBrass is represented by the Chinese pinyin letter H and the content of the base element copper; Brass with three or more elements is represented by adding the second main element symbol after H and the numerical group (percentage) of components other than zincWhite copperB19BMn3-12BZn15-2019 White copper3-12 manganese white copper15-20 zinc white copperWhite copper is represented by the Chinese pinyin letter B and nickel content; White copper with three or more elements is represented by adding a second main element symbol and a numerical group (percentage) of components other than the base element copperNickel alloyNMn3NCr103 nickel manganese alloy10 nickel chromium alloyNickel alloy is represented by the Chinese pinyin letter N followed by the first major element symbol and the numerical group of components other than the base element nickel (percentage)aluminium alloyLF2、LF62 #, 6 # anti rust aluminumAluminum alloys are represented by Chinese pinyin letters and sequential numberstitanium alloyTC11#α+& beta; Type titanium alloyTitanium alloys are represented by letters and sequence numbers of T plus alloy structure typesOther alloysPbSb2CuSi252 Lead antimony alloy25 copper silicon intermediate alloyAlloys such as lead, tin, precious metals, and rare metals are represented by their element symbol, the first main added element symbol, and the numerical group of components other than the main element (percentage) castingmakeclosegoldCast copper alloyZQSn6-6-3ZQA19-4ZHPb59-16-6-3 cast alloy9-4 cast aluminum bronze59-1 Cast BrassThe representation method for cast copper alloys, in addition to the above regulations, is also indicated by the Chinese pinyin letter Z (cast) before the code nameCast aluminum alloyZL101ZL202ZL301101 # cast aluminum202 # cast aluminum301 # cast aluminumIn the alloy code, Z, L, are the first letter of the Chinese Pinyin for cast and aluminum, followed by the alloy group number (1 for aluminum silicon alloy, 4 for aluminum zinc alloy) in the first digit, and the sequence number in the second and third digitsBearing alloyZChSn1ZChSn3ZChPb41 # tin-based bearing alloy3 # tin-based bearing alloy4 # lead based bearing alloyZ is the first letter of the cast Chinese Pinyin, and Ch is the first syllable of the bearing Zhongcheng Chinese Pinyin; The first chemical element is the base element and is grouped accordinglySpecial alloyWelding alloyHISnPb50DHIAgCu5050 tin lead solder50 copper solderThe specific alloy representation method is the combination of Chinese pinyin letters, two base element symbols, and numerical groups of components other than one base element